As I Lay Me Down To Sleep …

Discover how you can use your sleep time to solve problems, get new information, and access your inner resources.

Sleep is a vital part of life, and yet many of us do not get enough of it. We often overlook its importance and forget that there are ways to use our sleep time to our benefit. In this article, we will explore how you can use your sleep time to solve problems, gain new information, and access your inner resources. Through innovative techniques such as lucid dreaming and dream incubation, you can approach every night as an opportunity for growth and exploration.

Sleep is not only essential for our physical and mental health, but it also provides us with an opportunity to use our time more effectively. Have you ever wondered how you can take advantage of the hours when you are asleep? This article will explore ways to use your sleep time to your benefit to solve problems, get new information, and access your inner resources.

Let me ask you some questions first

What do you do before you go to sleep at night?

I don’t mean brush your teeth and change into your nice blue pajamas with the little white sheep on.

I mean what do you do in your head?

Do you think about anything specific? The next day? The day you’ve just got through?

Or do you tap into an incredibly powerful part of you and set it to work, so that it gets the whole night to work on things for you so when you wake up you have answers to questions you asked?

I bet you’d like to know how to do that, wouldn’t you?

Well, the good news is, it’s simple, so easy, even I can do it!

But before I go through this I want to discuss some very important points together

Sleep Time Benefits

Sleep time can be a great opportunity to access your inner resources and solve problems. During sleep, the conscious mind is quieted allowing the unconscious mind to take over and work on issues that may have been troubling you during waking hours.

Some of the sleep benefits include improved memory recall, increased creativity, better problem-solving skills, and improved ability to process complex information. Additionally, your brain will enter into a state of deep relaxation which helps reduce stress levels and improve overall physical health.

In addition to accessing one’s inner resources while sleeping, sleep time can also be used as an opportunity for spiritual exploration. By connecting with our inner spirit as we drift off into dreamland, we can gain insight into different aspects of life that may not have been accessible before. This could include things like understanding deeper emotions or feelings about certain people or situations in our lives or gaining new perspectives on life in general.

Finally, by taking some time before bed for meditation or visualization practices we open ourselves up to receiving intuitive guidance from our higher self which could provide invaluable direction along our journey of personal growth.


One way to use your sleep time to solve problems is through incubation. Incubation involves taking a break from working on a problem and allowing the subconscious mind to take over. During this period, your brain will continue to process the issue without consciously directing it, which can lead to solving the problem or developing new ideas when you wake up.

In addition, your dreams may provide insights into what solutions may work best for you – so don’t forget to keep a journal by your bed and write down any dreams that might be related to the problem, or even record a voice note on your phone.

Another way of using sleep time for problem-solving is through lucid dreaming. This technique involves actively engaging in conscious thought during dream states, allowing you to explore solutions in an imaginary environment with fewer mental constraints than in real life. Lucid dreaming isn’t easy at first – it requires practice and discipline – but once mastered, it can be used as an effective tool for creative problem-solving.

Finally, accessing meditative states while drifting to sleep can help unlock inner resources that may have been blocked off during waking hours. When we’re asleep our minds are less distracted by external stimuli and more open to internal exploration; so try some guided visualizations before going to bed or set positive affirmations on repeat while drifting off into dreamland! You never know what answers or creative solutions await you just beyond the veil of consciousness!

New Information Processing

New information processing during sleep involves allowing the brain to process new information and ideas while we sleep. This can be done through several techniques, such as lucid dreaming, hypnosis, and mindfulness meditation.

Lucid dreaming, as mentioned before, is a way to control the dream state and access unconscious material for problem-solving. Hypnosis can help with focusing attention on a certain task or thought, which helps to program the mind for success in that area. Mindfulness meditation is an effective way of deepening one’s awareness so that one can gain insight into their inner resources and use these resources in their waking life.

These techniques involve using conscious thoughts to influence unconscious processes, ultimately leading to more productive sleep habits and better performance in daily activities. Additionally, this type of mental programming during sleep has been proven to have positive effects on both physical health and psychological well-being by helping us become more resilient when facing challenges.

Accessing Inner Resources

Accessing inner resources is a great way to use your sleep time to gain new insight. Sleep can provide the opportunity to access different levels of consciousness and dream states, allowing you to connect with your intuition and subconscious mind.

Through this connection, you can receive intuitive messages to help guide decision-making or come up with new solutions to problems. Dreams can also provide helpful information and support in understanding yourself better – which may lead to uncovering hidden resources within yourself that you weren’t aware of before.

Additionally, if done correctly, lucid dreaming can be used to access one’s inner power and creativity by allowing one to actively explore their dreams consciously instead of passively watching them unfold like a movie. Finally, another great to use sleep time is meditation as it has been found useful for helping people tap into their sources of wisdom, inspiration, and well-being.

Improved Mental Health

One way to improve mental health through sleep is by using it as an opportunity to solve problems. After a long day, your mind and body are tired and you may be unable to think clearly or make decisions. During sleep, your brain can use the time to process thoughts and emotions, allowing for problem-solving solutions that would otherwise remain dormant until morning. This could range from small decisions such as what outfit to wear tomorrow or more complex things like how to handle a difficult conversation with someone at work.

Another way sleep can benefit mental health is by providing insight into new ideas that may otherwise go unnoticed during waking hours. While sleeping, the brain can access information stored in memory banks of experiences which can manifest itself in dreams or other forms of creative expression when we wake up. Similarly, this inner dialogue can help us come up with innovative solutions that we wouldn’t have thought of while awake due to our limited cognitive abilities.

Finally, as mentioned above, sleep helps us tap into our inner resources like self-awareness and intuition which are essential for emotional regulation and healthy coping mechanisms during times of stress or anxiety. When we shut out distractions from our environment during sleep, it allows us the space needed for introspection and reflection that can lead us towards healthier habits including better eating choices or managing relationships in a more meaningful way.

Increased Productivity

One way to increase productivity is by using sleep time as a tool for problem-solving. During the night, your mind can process complex issues and problems that you’ve been struggling with during the day.

This is why it’s important to take some time before bed to reflect on those issues and question them from a different perspective. Doing this can lead to new solutions that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Additionally, as sleep provides access to your inner resources – such as creativity, intuition, and inspiration – you have even more solutions at your disposal when you wake up.

Another way to increase productivity through sleep is by learning new information or ideas while you rest. This type of learning is called “sleep mentoring” and involves consciously training yourself while asleep so that knowledge or skills are implanted into your subconscious mind while sleeping. It’s an effective way of retaining information quickly without having to spend hours studying or memorizing facts over long periods of time.

Finally, getting enough quality sleep also helps improve productivity because it gives your body the rest it needs for you to stay energized throughout the day and be able to focus on tasks more efficiently.

Here Is The Secret

Ok, I’ll tell you … here’s the secret.

When you go to sleep at night, it is only your conscious mind that sleeps. Your subconscious mind keeps on working. If it went to sleep, you’d have a few problems as it controls important things like your breathing and heart! So naturally, it keeps working and is “awake” all night long.

Now your subconscious mind happens to be rather good at processing information and connecting random dots to make works of art.

So when you go to sleep, focus your mind on the things that are bothering you and ask your subconscious mind to help.

Naturally, I decided I was going to experiment with this on myself and see what it would do. For several weeks, I used to say this to myself every single night when I put my head on the pillow before I went to sleep.

“I ask my subconscious mind to work on all of my issues and challenges in life and replace them with positive, empowering programs.”

I did this for a couple of days and to be honest, I didn’t feel much.

I decided to keep it up because I was curious about what would happen if I did and if it really would be effective.

Anyway, about day 3 or 4 I started to feel a bit perkier than normal. I found myself feeling a bit more positive and more bouncy and I started to do things that I had been putting off for ages (and by ages, I mean months!).

I didn’t think anything of it but kept my experiment up. About a week after I started I was feeling really good and very bouncy and full of life.

Again, I thought nothing of it, not connecting my pre-bedtime intention with this change.

Then one day a friend happened to ask me if I’d been taking happy pills because I was annoyingly positive and then it hit me.

Every night for the last ten days or so I had been setting this intention and gradually I had been feeling better and better. It wasn’t a massive change all of a sudden, just a series of small changes.

I smiled at my friend and jumped around very excitedly sharing with her what I had been doing and the results it was having for me.

Of course, she was excited and has been doing the same, as I do, every night since and is still shocked by how such a little thing is having such a big difference.

So, when you go to sleep at night, as you set your alarm clock, set your intention too, and when you wake up feel the difference!

Reap Benefits of Sleep

Sleep is not just about resting and recharging, but also about allowing your mind to wander into the realm of possibilities. By taking advantage of this time, you can gain insights into yourself and the world around you. When you use your sleep time to access and reflect on what is important to you, it can help shift your thinking in new directions that lead to creative solutions or personal growth.

Moreover, research has shown that when we are asleep our brain processes information differently than it does during waking hours; this may allow us to make connections between ideas more quickly and effectively than before.

Finally, studies have found that people who get enough quality sleep tend to be more resilient in stressful situations than those who don’t get enough rest. By getting adequate rest each night, many individuals can experience improved mental clarity and memory recall as well as better stress management techniques. Taking care of yourself by getting proper restful sleep can unlock doors for personal development in both conscious and unconscious ways; so reap the benefits by making sure you get enough zzzs!

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