I was in undergrad when I first heard about the concept of “flow.” The idea was introduced to me by a friend who had been reading some books on psychology and human development, which made her sound very intelligent and mature. She told me that flow is what you feel when you get caught up in an activity—when you’re so focused on what you’re doing that you lose track of time. You forget about everything else, and it feels like the activity is taking care of itself. It’s a state of total absorption in an activity, where you’re not thinking about the outcome or whether you’re doing it right.
I thought this sounded like a great way to live, and I wanted to experience it for myself. But whenever I tried to find flow, I’d end up in a state of flow-apocalypse. It was like the opposite of flow.
So, I started doing research on how to get into flow more often. What I found was that it wasn’t just about creating the right conditions for flow. It was also about managing my mind so that I could enter flow more easily.
And this is what I’m going to share with you in this article.
What Is Flow?
Before we go any further, let’s talk about what flow is? The easiest way to describe Flow is that it is a mental state where you’re completely absorbed in an activity. You lose yourself in the moment, and time seems to disappear. You become one with what you’re doing.
Here is a question. How do you get into the zone?
If you have ever played sports or done any type of mentally stressful activity, you have probably experienced flow. This isn’t just for athletes, it’s for everyone. Flow is a very desirable mental state and is basically when you are completely immersed in one thing, whether it be work, play, or meditation.

Flow is a very powerful state of mind. It gives you extreme clarity and focuses. It makes you feel more alive and more connected to the world around you.
When you are in the Flow state, you’re thinking neither about your problems or worries nor about the past or the future and you’re completely focused on what you’re doing in the present moment. Also, it is when you’re completely focused on the task at hand. Flow is a very powerful state of mind. It’s a state of mind that can help you overcome any obstacle. When you flow, you’re in the zone. This can be achieved easily by practicing Meditations On Peace.
In my life, I’ve been lucky enough to have experienced flow on more than one occasion, though it’s not easy to find. It feels like you are riding a wave of pure bliss and happiness. Nothing else in the world matters, everything is going great and you feel your best self.
But how can we get into this state?
Continue reading to know what I’ve learned about finding Flow.
You can’t find flow by doing something. You have to be in the right mindset for it to happen. The best way to get into the right mindset is to do things that you enjoy, or that you are good at. When you are doing something that you enjoy, it is easier to get into the right mindset. You don’t have to try hard to be in flow, it just happens naturally.
But what if you aren’t doing something that you enjoy?
In that case, you have to force yourself into the right mindset. You have to make it happen. How do you do that?
You have to train your mind to get into flow by practicing getting into the flow.
I’m not talking about sitting in the lotus position for hours a day or going on some crazy vacation. I’m talking about forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to do but doing it in a way that makes you enjoy it. In other words, you have to make it fun.
You can do this by forcing yourself to do things that are outside your comfort zone. For example, if you’re a very shy person, force yourself to go up and talk to someone you don’t know.
I did this when I was younger and would force myself to go up and talk to a girl I didn’t know. It was extremely uncomfortable for me, but after doing it enough times, it became natural.
You can also do this by forcing yourself to be around people you don’t like. For example, if you’re a very social person, force yourself to go to a party where you know no one.
This is a great way to become more comfortable with doing things outside your comfort zone.
How meditation is the key to Flow

Do you remember the last time you were so immersed in an activity that you lost track of time? You may have been reading a book, playing a sport, or hanging out with friends. It can be challenging to find flow in everyday life, but it’s possible.
Flow is a mental state that we achieve when we have a task that matches our skills and abilities. Being in flow is very easy to recognize but hard to create. The key to achieving flow is meditation. Meditation lets us find the right balance between focus and relaxation.
Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you go into the flow state. Flow is the mental state where you are completely present and in control of your faculties. It’s when you’re doing something so engrossing that you lose track of time. If you’re an entrepreneur, then it’s incredibly important to be able to tap into this state frequently, because it allows you to get more done in less time.
When you sit in meditation, you may find that your thoughts dance and flit around like birds. Maybe you’ll notice how hard it is to “be still.” When this happens, just notice what is happening and allow it to be. If you watch your thoughts without directing or interfering with them—what is called “non-judgmental awareness”—you may find that they eventually settle down. Or maybe you’ll find that your thoughts are so busy and active that you can’t possibly sit still. If this is the case, you can gently bring your attention back to the breath. Just notice how it feels to breathe in and out.
Focusing on the Breath

When you focus on your breath, it’s important to do so with the right attitude. You want to be aware of the breath, but you don’t want to force it or try to control it in any way. Just allow the breath to flow naturally and gently bring your attention back whenever you notice that your mind has wandered.
In the beginning, you may find that your mind wanders quite a bit. That’s okay. Just gently bring it back to the breath whenever you notice that it has wandered off. Over time, as you practice this exercise, you’ll find that your mind wanders less and less.
You can do this exercise either sitting or lying down. If you’re sitting, try to sit in a comfortable position with your back straight but not rigid. If you’re lying down, try to lie on your back with your arms and legs uncrossed.
If you find that the exercise is too difficult, you can try it while sitting in a chair or standing up. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
As you breathe in, say to yourself, “I am breathing in.”
As you breathe out, say to yourself, “I am breathing out.”
Repeat this for about five minutes. If your mind wanders off again, bring it Focus on the sound of your breathing. If you find that your mind wanders, bring it back to the sound of your breathing.
What’s next?
If you want to learn more about meditation, join our webinar today. In just a few short minutes, you’ll be on your way to reducing stress and living a happier and healthier life. Join us today and you’ll learn meditation techniques that are easy to practice—even when life gets hectic.

In “The Ultimate Guide on How to Meditate” webinar, you’ll learn:
- What is meditation?
- What are the benefits of meditation?
- Can meditation solve health issues?
- How to use meditation to reduce stress and anxiety.
- Breathing in Meditation
- Music in Meditation
- What are the types of meditations?
- Breath Awareness Meditation